When one views the asymmetric threat we no face and will continue to face one is struck by the stark differences in methods of engagement. All through history nation states have engaged in combative activities that have pitted nation state against nation state. The forces involved engaged through predictable and usual modes of assault and defense. The sides were identifiable and usually had long battle histories and honors associated with the units involved. It could have been the Roman Legion vs. Hannibal or the flower of France against Henrys bowmen at Agincourt . Each unit involved was well known and had distinguished themselves many times in the past. Our own military is rich in the traditions of different units and their battle honors. We have our famous Army airborne units, the 82nd and 101st. The 101st having been of "Band of Brothers" fame. Why is this of significance? Because the enemy we are engaged with today can site no such path. How can you continue as an organization when your goal is to blow yourself up or in some other fashion martyr yourself to achieve your objective. Think how it would sound to be the Osama martyrs brigade with our only legacy being that we all blew ourselves up. Besides the above implications what will be the profound take away from understanding this paradigm shift. ?
Basically it means getting used to focusing on the enabling technology not the cold war model of the platform and numbers being the key. The intelligence community and state department analysis indicates we are involved in a one hundred year struggle with the asymmetrical model. This means always having to re tool your capability to react and respond. The key component of this approach will be the enabling technology of sensors and all the related software. Key standards to be aware of will be DO-178 & DO-254. These standards are the basis of safety critical environments and besides the software bolstering them there is associated sensor hardware that will collect, transmit and process critical information for situational awareness and relevant ISR information. It is also important to understand that given our continued dependence on energy and the worldwide demand that drives the need will make the protection of the entire eco system key. This would start with energy acquisition of all types and move from acquiring it to transporting it, processing it and distribution of it. With all stages of this process come requirements for sensors that are becoming increasingly smarter.